In this blog post i am going to talk about Jupiter's transit to Scorpio and how this transit is going to influence your life starting the 10th of October 2017 until the 8th of November 2018 based on your rising sign/ Ascendant sign.
Jupiter is known as the great benefic planet in Vedic Astrology, it is considered one of the main players in the zodiac. Jupiter represents the energy of expansion and increase; it is the planet of wisdom, religion, opportunities, optimism, grace and good fortune. Jupiter stays in each sign for almost one year; it is shifting into the sign of Scorpio on October the 10th 2017 and is going to stay there until November the 8th 2018.
Since Jupiter spends almost one year in each sign, its influence becomes very important and help us see the areas of potential growth in our lives. Before I talk about the transit of Jupiter from your rising sign, it is important to mention that if the Moon in your chart falls in Taurus, Leo or Aquarius, this is going to be a year of drastic changes taking place in your life, so get ready for a time of big changes!
Here is how this transit is going to affect your personal life based on your ascendant sign.
Aries: This transit can bring you financial benefits through other people; it could be the partner, an inheritance, or money from insurance. Your partner’s finances shall improve. Pay attention to your health and avoid lending money or risky transactions. A change of work is possible during this year. This is a wonderful time to study occult and esoteric sciences. Long term friendship could turn into a relationship.
Taurus: If you are married, your relationship with your partner can improve during this year; if you are not married you could meet someone new! Your clientele should grow bigger. There can be new opportunities for travel. Your spiritual and religious inclination will increase, you may initiate job change. If you are in the business of import/export, jewelry, or the stock market you are likely to make good profits. Generally this is a great position for your finances. Pay attention to the health condition of the mother. Going abroad is possible. Buying a new vehicle is also possible during this transit. Drive carefully.
Gemini: This is a great time if you are looking for a job or seeking a promotion. This can also be a good time to take care of your health, pay back your debt and solve your problems. You may take a loan for business purpose. Financial situation is set to improve.
Cancer: This transit can signal a birth of a child, it can also bring new romantic encounters and opportunities to express yourself creatively. It is a great time to start your own business. Financial rewards through hard work, this position is particularly rewarding if you own a business or if involved in the stock market. Traveling for education is possible or getting a scholarship.
Leo: This transit can give you an overall sense of well being and fulfillment. The circumstances of the mother should improve, as well as your living situation. This can also indicate a change of residence, a new home or a car. If you have a property its value is going to increase. Those in business will experience great results, avoid being flashy with your spending.
Virgo: This transit can help you achieve success in whatever you initiate. Opportunities for travel abound, relocation is possible during this transit. This can be a time when you start learning a new skill, a good time to try new things and promote yourself in new ways. If you are a writer this can be a great time to start writing your book. You may develop an interest in psychology and occult subjects during this year. Friends will be supportive. Don’t make hasty financial decision or spend so much on luxurious items.
Libra: This is a favorable year for your career in general. Your finances are should increase and you will have new opportunities to generate more income through hard work. Avoid making hasty decisions as they can harm your finances. Unexpected gains and gifts flow easily to you. Your relationship with your family should improve. You need to avoid the temptation to eat fatty foods during this year. In spite of your busy time, you will be able to enjoy beautiful time with your partner. If you have a certain physical ailment you are likely to experience improvement, take frequent breaks to pamper yourself and release stress.
Scorpio: There is going to be a big dose of optimism during this year, let your intuition guide you and trust that it is taking you in the right direction. You are going to feel blessed, protected and will receive new opportunities across the board. Watch your diet during this year; people tend to gain more weight when Jupiter transits their first house. This year can bring you the opportunity to publish or release your creative project. There will be a slow expansion of business, opportunities for gain from foreign lands or while traveling. This is a favorable transit for those pursuing higher education.
Sagittarius: You will be more inclined towards spirituality and work on inner peace and self realization. You may get new opportunities in foreign lands, opportunities with foreign people and institutions. Watch out for unexpected expenses during this year. Pay special attention to your digestive system. Old family issues may get resolved. If you are a parent, your children may go abroad for education, take care of your father’s health.
Capricorn: This is a time of fulfillment of desires and a promising professional life. There is going to be an increase in your social circle, there can also be an opportunity to obtain a title or an award. Your finances are going to improve during this year as you have multiple sources of income. Your partner’s earning may increase. Children will be a source of happiness and more expenses.
Aquarius: This is going to be a wonderful year for you in terms of career! If you have been waiting for a promotion or a raise you are likely to have it. A sudden trip related to business can be fruitful. You professional and public activities can increase and your status shall improve as a result; this is a wonderful year to start your own business. Watch your expenses during this time as you may be tempted to spend lavishly! New connections with foreign people are indicated as well as foreign travel. Father’s health needs more attention.
Pisces: This is a very auspicious time in which you will experience success in all your undertakings. Those working in foreign lands will be fortunate, all effort to create more money will be rewarded. This transit can bring your new opportunities to travel or take pilgrimage, you may decide to go back to school or begin a course of study. Your relationship with your father can improve during this year. A conflict with siblings over financial transactions is likely.